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ฐานข้อมูล หนังสือ ผลการค้นหาประมาณ 22 รายการ
 ลำดับ  ชื่อเรื่อง  ปี  จำนวน  รายการ
 1.   Maths smart 5B : textbook / authors : Evelyn Tan, Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 2.   Maths smart 1A : textbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 3.   Maths smart 1A : workbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 4.   Maths smart 1B : textbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 5.   Maths smart 1B : workbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 6.   Maths smart 2A : textbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 7.   Maths smart 2A : workbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 8.   Maths smart 2B : textbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 9.   Maths smart 2B : workbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 10.   Maths smart 3A : textbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 11.   Maths smart 3B : textbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 12.   Maths smart 3B : workbook / authors : Hawa Shahbal and Penny Sim ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 13.   Maths smart 4A : textbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 14.   Maths smart 4B : textbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 15.   Maths smart 4B : workbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 16.   Maths smart 5A : textbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 17.   Maths smart 5A : workbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 18.   Maths smart 5B : workbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 19.   Maths smart 6A : textbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 20.   Maths smart 6A : workbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 21.   Maths smart 6B : workbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1
 22.   Maths smart 6B : textbook / authors : Evelyn Tan and Neo Seow Ling ; general editor : Katharine Edgar   2012  1

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