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ฐานข้อมูล หนังสือ ผลการค้นหาประมาณ 21 รายการ
 ลำดับ  ชื่อเรื่อง  ปี  จำนวน  รายการ
 1.   Cities / Richard Northcott   2012  2
 2.   Schools / Richard Northcott   2012  2
 3.   Your amazing body / Robert Quinn   2010  1
 4.   All about desert life / Julie Penn   2010  1
 5.   Sound and music / Richard Northcott   2012  1
 6.   English grammar in use / Raymond Murphy   2019  1
 7.   Advanced grammar in use / Martin Hewings   2015  1
 8.   Smile 5 : activity book / Charlotte Covill   2015  3
 9.   Medicine then and now / Louise and Richared Spilsbury   2011  1
 10.   Vocabulary and grammar for the TOEFL test / Ingrid Wisniewska   2013  1
 11.   Northstar 5 : reading and writing / Judy L. Miller, Robert F. Cohen   2009  1
 12.   Smile 6 : teacher's edition / Sue Mohamed and Charlotte Covill   2012  1
 13.   Smile 3 : student's edition / Gabby Pritchard and Penny Hancock   2008  1
 14.   Smile 3 : teacher's edition / Gabby Pritchard and Penny Hancock   2008  2
 15.   Everything you need to know about English. Lower primary, Primary 1 to 3 : Idioms / Li Lian Lim   2008  1
 16.   Everything you need to know about English. Lower primary, Primary 1 to 3 : Grammar / Li Lian Lim   2008  1
 17.   Everything you need to know about English. Lower primary, Primary 1 to 3 : Proverbs / Li Lian Lim   2008  1
 18.   Everything you need to know about English. Lower primary, Primary 1 to 3 : Vocabulary / Li Lian Lim   2008  1
 19.   Everything you need to know about English. Lower primary, Primary 1 to 3 : Phrasal verbs / Li Lian Lim   2008  1
 20.   Everything you need to know about English. Lower primary, Primary 1 to 3 : Similes and metaphors / Li Lian Lim   2008  1
 21.   Basic grammar in use with answers : self-study reference and practice for students of American English with answers / Raymond Murphy   2017  1

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