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ฐานข้อมูล หนังสือ ผลการค้นหาประมาณ 205 รายการ
 ลำดับ  ชื่อเรื่อง  ปี  จำนวน  รายการ
 1.   Body math / Penny Dowdy   c2009  1
 2.   Nature math / Penny Dowdy   c2009  1
 3.   Travel math / by Pia Awal   c2009  1
 4.   Science math / Dawn Stosch   c2009  1
 5.   Math / Macmillian McGraw-Hill   2005?  8
 6.   School mathematics / Eichobz   1967  8
 7.   School mathematics / Eichobz   1967  8
 8.   Transport math / by Lesli Evans   c2009  1
 9.   Building math / by John Perritano   c2009  1
 10.   Patterns in mathematics / Gundlach   1974  1
 11.   Maths olympiad advance / Terry Chew   2010  1
 12.   Understanding Arithmetic / Brothers   1956  1
 13.   Maths olympiad beginner / Terry Chew   2011  1
 14.   Olympiad maths trainer 1 / Terry Chew   2011  1
 15.   Olympiad maths trainer 2 / Terry Chew   2011  1
 16.   Olympiad maths trainer 4 / Terry Chew   2011  1
 17.   Olympiad maths trainer 5 / Terry Chew   2010  1
 18.   Olympiad maths trainer 6 / Terry Chew   2010  1
 19.   Modern elementary mathematics. / Ward   1964  1
 20.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  1
 21.   Learning with colour Mathematics / Adler   1960  1
 22.   Maths olympiad intermediate / Terry Chew   2012  1
 23.   Glencoe math : course 1 - 3 / McGraw-Hill   2015  1
 24.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  6
 25.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  6
 26.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  6
 27.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  6
 28.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  6
 29.   Elementary school mathematics / Eichobz   1968  6
 30.   Theory and problems of finite / Lipschutz   1966  1
 31.   Primary 4 : Targeing editing / Claire Leow   2015  1
 32.   Mathematics in Action 1B / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 33.   Mathematics in Action 2A / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 34.   Mathematics in Action 2B / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 35.   Mathematics in Action 3A / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 36.   Mathematics in Action 4A / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 37.   Mathematics in Action 4B / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 38.   Mathematics in Action 1A / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 39.   The wonderful world of mathematics / Hogben   1955  1
 40.   Mathematics in Action 3B / Pearson Longman   2007  1
 41.   Primary 3 : Intensive maths drills / Issac C.   2016  1
 42.   Primary 3 : Challenging 4-in1 maths / Dawn Tai   2014  1
 43.   My world of Math : primary 3 / Orient Blackswan   2015  1
 44.   Navigating through algebra in grades 6-8 / Friel   2004  1
 45.   Navigating through algebra in grades 3-5 / Cuevas   2003  1
 46.   Navigating through geometry in grades 3-5 / Gavin   2003  1
 47.   Mathmatics pratomsuksa 4 : workbook / William Wong   2557  1
 48.   Mathmatics pratomsuksa 5 : workbook / William Wong   2557  1
 49.   Mathmatics pratomsuksa 6 : workbook / William Wong   2557  1
 50.   Oxford study mathematics dictionary / Frank Tapson   2008  1

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