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ฐานข้อมูล หนังสือ ผลการค้นหาประมาณ 28 รายการ
 ลำดับ  ชื่อเรื่อง  ปี  จำนวน  รายการ
 1.   How thing work / Thorley   1985  1
 2.   Science and the world around us / Chandler   1967  1
 3.   Train : the definitive visual history / DK Smithsonian   2023  1
 4.   STEM activity book : interactive science grade 5 / Pearson Education Inc   n.d.  1
 5.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 20 index / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 6.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 1 AAR-ANO / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 7.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 2 ANS-BIN / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 8.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 3 BIO-CHA / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 9.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 5 COT-EAT / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 10.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 6 EBE-EYE / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 11.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 7 FAB-GEN / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 12.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 8 GEO-HYS / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 13.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 9 ICE-LEV / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 14.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 12 NOB-PAP / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 15.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 15 RAB-RYE / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 16.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 16 SAB-SON / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 17.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 17 SOR-SUP / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 18.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 18 SUR-TYP / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 19.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 19 UBI-ZYG / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 20.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 10 LIB-META / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 21.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 11 METE-NIT / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 22.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 13 PAR-PLAN / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 23.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 14 PLAS-QUI / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 24.   McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology : 4 CHE - COS / McGraw-Hill   2012  1
 25.   See inside how things work / written by Conrad Mason ; illustrated by Colin King   2009  1
 26.   Science and technology : the greatest innovations in human history / John Farndon   2016  1
 27.   Roblox: character encyclopedia / Alexander Cox, writer ; Ryan Marsh, John Stuckey and Joe Bolder, illustrator   2020  1
 28.   นวัตกรรมนาโน : จากทฤษฎีสู่ชีวิตจริง = The rise of nanotech / Scientific American, ผู้แต่ง ; ยุทธนา ตันติรุ่งโรจน์ชัย, แปล   2552  1

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