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ฐานข้อมูล หนังสือ ผลการค้นหาประมาณ 39 รายการ
 ลำดับ  ชื่อเรื่อง  ปี  จำนวน  รายการ
 1.   World Facts / Mackay   2002  1
 2.   Book of our world / Glasgow   1967  1
 3.   Universe / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  9
 4.   About you / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 5.   Celebrate / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 6.   Our Earth / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 7.   Who we are / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 8.   Art around us / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 9.   See the world / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 10.   Wow the visual encyclopedia / Ferris   2008  1
 11.   World of plants / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  3
 12.   First encyclopedia of science / Vaughn   1998  1
 13.   Poems and rhymes / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 14.   World of animals / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  3
 15.   Shapes and numbers / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 16.   The big book of knowledge / Parragon Book   2002  1
 17.   Concise Encyclopedia of Geography / Tunney   1979  1
 18.   How does it happen? / Scott Fetzer Company   1996  1
 19.   The time life Eneyolopedia of gardening /   1977  1
 20.   Encyclopedia of the animal kingdom / Attmore   2001  1
 21.   Children's encyclopedia 1 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 22.   Children's encyclopedia 2 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 23.   Children's encyclopedia 3 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 24.   Children's encyclopedia 4 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 25.   Children's encyclopedia 5 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 26.   Children's encyclopedia 6 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 27.   Children's encyclopedia 7 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 28.   Children's encyclopedia 8 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 29.   Children's encyclopedia 9 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 30.   An illustrated encyclopedia of aquarium fish / Sandford   1995  1
 31.   Children's encyclopedia 10 / John Paton, general editor   1997  1
 32.   The natural world : question and answer encyclopedia / Ganeri   2001  1
 33.   Picturepedia : an encyclopedia on every page / DK Publishing, Inc.   2020  1
 34.   The new illustrated science and invention encyclopedia / H.S. Stuttman Inc.   1987 26   1
 35.   Disney Pixar character encyclopedia : new edition / Steve Bynghall ... [et al.]   2019  1
 36.   Evolution : the story of life / Douglas Palmer ; illustrated by Peter Barrett.   2009.  1
 37.   The DC Comics encyclopedia : the definitive guide to the characters of the DC Universe / Alan Cowsill   2021  1
 38.   Marvel Avengers : the ultimate character guide (new edition) / written by Alan Cowsill and John Tomlinson   2021  1
 39.   The world encyclopedia of flags : the definitive guide to international flags, banner, standards and ensigns / Alfred Znamierowski   2010  1

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